Comics Forum 2015: Some Notes

Hi all! Just back from Comics Forum 2015 (and the associated Thought Bubble convention) in Leeds, UK. A thoroughly splendid two days of comics discussion and antics (and another wonderful two days at Thought Bubble, with yet more antics and great comics discoveries)! In lieu of a formal write-up, let me placate you instead with scans of my visual notes from all the panels I attended. There were two streams for the most part, so this is only half of the interesting variety of papers given. To make things more fun, I have not grouped these notes in their respective panels, choosing instead letting each image/summary speak for itself.

Apologies to anyone I have depicted for the general lack of likeness, and for my reductive misrepresentations of what were detailed and rich discussions on a wide range of topics. I hope, nonetheless, these give some flavour of the event.

One thought on “Comics Forum 2015: Some Notes

  1. As I checked out the bubbles on the Comics Forum 2015 it dawned on me that they basically amount to dot points. In Australia, industry and bureaucrats are demanding that academic researcher outcomes be reduced to a few dot points. I am trying to influence my institution to become creative. I am suggesting by placing a comic like graphic next to the dot point would relate better with the reader. Too often they assume a graphic should be graph or a functional image such as a wheel, rather than a comic graphic depicting the project outcome. Cheers Christine


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